SPWLA Saudi Arabia Chapter August 2017 Technical Meeting
17 August 2017 – SPWLA Saudi Arabia Chapter conducted its monthly luncheon technical event on 17 Aug 2017 by Dr. Avrami Grader, Chief Technology Officer at Ingrain Company A Halliburton Service. The theme of the event was on “Integrated Core Analysis Current and Future’’ where the speaker reviewed how to optimize the different information provided by studying the whole core. During the talk, Dr. Grader reviewed the history of rock analysis, summarized the current status, and highlighted the potential future of integrated core analysis. Rapid developments in imaging technologies and computing powers allow us not only modeling rock properties, i.e., digital rock physics, but also in-depth understanding of the physics of fluid distribution and flow in porous media. The event was interactive and considered very educational with 51 participants from different companies.